Proof of Immutability: Ensuring Blockchain Integrity

Proof-of-Immutability (PoIM) is a mechanism that allows the blockchain to keep data decentralized and provable. Without the need to distribute data between nodes.

What is proof of immutability (PoIM)?

Proof of Immutability (PoIM) is a type of blockchain system that uses a complex hash approach to store blockchain metadata in remote storage. There is no traceable metadata in the hash. This method can also help the blockchain scale and reach high speeds without compromising its decentralized nature.With the PoIM system, participants can verify the validity of each other’s data (by proving its invariability) without violating the confidential information of the verified party.

Users using a PoIM-based blockchain network maintain the highest standards of data privacy because the data in the registry is not copied and is never transferred between nodes in the network.

The disadvantage of this immutability proving mechanism may seem superfluous, since stability is believed to be inherent in all blockchains. Blockchain as a distribution technology has a higher degree of immutability than a centralized database system. The degree of stability depends on factors such as the consensus mechanism and the number of participants. The authorized/private blockchain network is usually smaller in size, so it is easier to control.

Users will be able to check if a blockchain has been manipulated or a piece of record changed without having access to the PoIM database.

To more quickly advance legal recognition of blockchain data, a mechanism for verifying the integrity of information in the blockchain is key to promoting the legal purity of these blocks and smart contracts.

ParallelChain Lab has developed PoIM. Patent applications for it have been filed in US 2021-0297265; US-2021-1818549 A1, EP3848845 and CN202102000629400. POI was first implemented on ParalleliChain Private.Yang Huang, founder and CEO of ParallelChain Lab. Yang Huang is an infrastructure technologist and his career includes Tektronix Northrop Grummans and Hughes Network System. His contributions have focused on real-time multitasking: semiconductor design, dataflow amp; reduced instruction set processors, and deterministic network protocols. Ian was also involved in the development of the USAF A-10 Thunderbolt processor, SCSI, FDDI Switch priority sector.

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