Replicated Ledgers: Ensuring Data Consistency in Blockchain

Replicated Ledger is a copy of a distributed ledger that is distributed to all cryptocurrency participants.

What is a Replicated Ledger?

Replicated Ledger means a duplicate of blockchain records. The term “Replicated Ledger” is used to refer to the copy of blockchain data. As part of this scheme, registers are divided into slave and master registries. The Master ledgers contain authoritative copies of blockchain information, which are the source of authoritative copying of cryptocurrencies. The Slave ledgers are copy copies of the master copy.

As a result, the design of an Replicated Ledger is to reduce risks that are caused by providing all participant in the network with only one copy of blockchain’s financial statements. The design was made for reducing the risks from delivering everyone on board at any time and not provide all participants in the network with only one copy of the blockchain’se financial statement.

Every time a user adds new transactions to their own registry, the changes will spread across the network and be shared with everyone.

These registries have no one single point of failure. The original blockchain will be replicated more than once, and the original blockchain will be re-replicated infinitely. The registry data in the duplicated version stores exactly similar information that was recorded in the original block of the original registry. But the data in them cannot be changed. 

To control the network through the registry, no one can seize control of the network. All participants have an authentic copy of it, including every update to it.

The system is also added to the system with a consensus protocol. It is the main priority goal of such an consensus protocol to ensure that every copy in one blockchain has similar properties, and it will be possible to ensure that each copy of the blockchain is similar with the others. Change copies from old duplicated registries will be rejected, since they are not originally copying.

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