Metaverse-as-a-Service: Crafting Virtual Experiences

Metaverse-as-a-Service (MaaS)is a new technology solution that anyone can use to create their own metaverse.

What is Metaverse-as-a-Service?

As technology has evolved, businesses and service providers have moved faster and more frequently from a one-time fee model to a subscription-based model. Over the years, several unique business models such as Saas (software-as-a-service), IaaS (infrastructure-as-a-service) and PaaS (platform-as-a-service) have emerged from the XaaS (Anything-as-a-service) model.

In its simplest sense, the concept of “as-a-service” refers to the provision of technology products and solutions through cloud services. For example, instead of installing their own servers to store databases, which would be expensive, companies use a third-party pay-as-you-go service provider such as AWS, Microsoft or Google. In doing so, users benefit from lower capital costs, greater flexibility and the ability to upgrade as needed.

With the emergence of the metaworld, an immersive virtual world based on blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR) and other technological innovations, similar needs have arisen for companies and individuals wishing to participate.

However, creating a meta-universe from scratch requires significant investment and experience with the underlying technology, making it difficult for much of the world’s population. To solve this problem, blockchain startups have introduced the concept of metaverse as a service (MaaS). Like any other service delivery model, the service provider will provide the necessary infrastructure and technology to allow users to create, manage and maintain their own metaverse. The service provider’s native token will enable all related functions. The same token will also allow owners to participate in network management and participate in other DeFi primitives.

For example, take the upcoming Bit.Country platform on the Polkadot network. By design, Bit.Country provides a framework for applications and a blockchain that anyone can use to create their own personal metaclass universe. Users will also be able to create personalized economies, NFTs and other products to stimulate their communities. According to Ray Lu, founder and CEO of the first MaaS platform Bit.Country and Metaverse.Network, think of MaaS as just another IT service.

The notable difference with Metaverse is that there are no centralized structures. Decentralized platforms and open protocols provide the service and infrastructure.

In this case, we created Bit.Country and Metaverse.Network to allow users to create their own metaverse. Using our MaaS solution, the user can realize economic infrastructure, governance and an immersive visual and interactive experience without any knowledge of blockchain technology.

Ray Lu is the CEO and founder of Bit.Country and Metaverse.Network. With his keen interest and extensive experience in blockchain technology and decentralization, Ray is one of the biggest evangelists for Web3 and metaverse. With a bachelor’s degree in computer science, Ray also spearheaded the creation of, and Thunder.University. Prior to creating Bit.Country, Ray worked with a consortium of leading brands including Air New Zealand and Datacom.

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