Monitoring Market Balances in Crypto Trading

Market Balances are the outstanding amount of tokens or coins after a transaction on a decentralised exchange (DEX).

What are Market Balances?

A Market Reserve is the amount of money that was left in reserve after an exchange on Decentralized Exchange (DEX).

This is the most common type of orders that are executed at a market price. The best available price is used to sell and buy money on trading exchange/application, as well as for other purposes. Market Order. As soon as they are executed, their work is carried out at an actual bid price of assets for sell orders and in ask prices for buy orders.

In decentralised finance (DeFI) this process is done without an intermediary - through DEX, through liquidity pools either on the circuit or through automated market makers (AMM) and this significantly reduces the commission.

Users and tradings need to connect their digital wallets to the decentralised exchange, enter the amount of the asset that is needed for an investment, enter the amount of money intended for trade with another asset, enter the amount of the assets you want to exchange for another asset. After accepting the transaction, pay small commissions to the liquidity provider and receive the amount dictated by the market price. 

So, suppose the market price is $2 per $RIN, and an order of 100 USDC at one time will give to you 50 $RIN tokens, not counting for payment fee or liquidity provider. As soon as the market order is processed, $50 Rin will be placed under an unpaid balance on Dex. The user must pay for any unpaid balances or funds and return them to their digital bank account

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