Axie Infinity Crypto: AXS Price Analysis and Review
Crypto converter Axie Infinity (AXS)
AXS is a digital coin that is used in Axie Infinity, an online game based on the Play-to-Earn concept.
The essence of the game is to create and grow Axie creatures, which can then be sold or used to participate in battles.
What is Axie Infinity
The AXS cryptocurrency was created on the Ethereum blockchain and belongs to the ERC20 standard. The maximum supply of AXS is 290 million coins.
AXS tokens are used for:
- Receiving rewards during the game;
- Participation in voting on platform management;
- Creating custom content;
- etc.
Where to buy Axie Infinity
There are many ways to buy AXS tokens: on exchanges, through payment systems, banks like Revolut, and so on. It is profitable to use cryptocurrency exchange for these purposes.
Buying a cryptocurrency on an exchange has a number of advantages:
- The most profitable rate;
- High liquidity;
- An option to buy cryptocurrency for fiat money (USD, EUR, etc.);
- Different payment methods (bank transfer, Visa/MasterCard, third-party payment systems, etc.);
- Regulation;
- Account security settings.
Axie Infinity Buying Instructions
As we have already noted, the most profitable way to buy AXS tokens is on crypto exchanges. But first you need to choose exchange to make a buying on.
Step-by-step instructions for buying AXS on the exchange:
- Risk assessment;
- Exchange selection;
- Registration on the exchange;
- Balance replenishment;
- Buying AXS.
Decide on the level of risk
Buying any cryptocurrency is always risky. Therefore, before investing real money in crypto, you need to determine the level of acceptable risk.
Choose a crypto exchange
One cryptocurrency exchange may differ from another in the following parameters: verification requirements, list of supported currencies, available deposit and withdrawal methods, fees, limits, user ratings and reviews and so on. However, the process of buying on any exchange is about the same.
The list of the most popular exchanges for buying AXS is presented in the table.
Registration of an account
For example, use Binance, the #1 exchange by trading volume in the world.
If you are a new user, you will need to register there. Opening an account on Binance is an easy process. Do the following:
- On the official website of the exchange in the upper right corner, click Register;
Starting registration on Binance - Choose the country of residence;
- Click on Create Personal Account to create an individual account;
Creating a personal account - Enter registration data: e-mail, password → Next;
Registration form - The last step is to verify your email address and phone number.
After that, the account on Binance will be created, and you can start working with the exchange.
Top up your account
Depending on the chosen exchange, you can replenish your account in any available way. To do this, check up what trading pairs with the coin you want to trade are avalaible .
For example, let’s buy AXS with ETH. For this:
- Select Wallet → Fiat and Spot in the main menu of your personal account;
Top up your wallet on Binance - Find ETH in the list of available currencies, click Deposit;
Depositing ETH on the exchange - Select a network for transaction;
- The system will generate the address to transfer ETH from a third-party wallet.
Address for transferring ETH on the Ethereum ERC20 network
Buy Axie Infinity (AXS)
We will use ETH on our exchange account to buy AXS. For this:
- Select Trade → Spot in your personal account in the main menu;
Trading on the Binance spot market - Select the AXS/ETH trading pair;
Selecting a trading pair - Specify order type, for example, Market;
- Enter the amount for which you want to buy AXS;
- Press Buy AXS.
Buying AXS
How to sell Axie Infinity
To sell AXS, you will need to follow almost identical steps:
- Select Trade → Spot in your account;
- Specify trading pair AXS/ETH;
- Set the order type for the deal, for example, Market;
- Enter the amount of selling coins;
- Press Sell AXS.
Where to store AXS
Choosing of storage for AXS tokens purchased on Binance depends on what you plan to do with them. If it is assumed that coins will be needed for active trading, then “hot” type of crypto wallet will provide quick access to funds. Such vaults are always connected to the network, so to use them safely, you must enable two-factor authentication, create a strong password, and so on.
Among the popular “hot” x crypto wallets that support AXS, we highlight:
- Mobile Wallet Trust Wallet;
- Desktop and mobile wallet Atomic Wallet;
- Desktop and mobile wallet MyEtherWallet.
If you do not plan to make transactions daily, and you need a wallet for long-term storage, then we advise you to give preference to a hardware cold wallet. It looks like a flash drive that connects to the network only when a transaction needs to be made. Popular hardware crypto wallets – Ledger and Trezor.
The disadvantage of all hardware wallets is that they are paid.
How to withdraw Axie Infinity to my wallet?
Let’s see how to withdraw AXS coins from the Binance exchange to the Trust Wallet wallet:
- Select Wallet → Fiat and Spot in your Binance account;
Start withdrawal from exchange - Press the button Withdraw and then Withdraw Crypto in the opened window;
Withdrawal to the wallet - Select the coin AXS and the network to transfer (BCS, ETH or RON) in the next window;
- In the Address field, you will need to specify the wallet address to receive AXS coins;
Making of request to withdraw AXS from the exchange - To get the address, go to the Trust Wallet installed on your mobile device;
- Tap the Receive button;
Getting coins to Trust Wallet - From the list of supported currencies, select Axie Infinity on the required blockchain;
Selecting the currency to receive - The system will generate a unique address for transferring AXS: copy it and paste it in the Address field on the exchange.
Getting wallet address to receive AXS on the Ethereum blockchain
- Go through registration and verification on the exchange (if KYC verification is mandatory);
- Make a deposit;
- Open trading terminal;
- Specify trading pair: AXS/payment currency;
- Select order type;
- Enter the amount of payment currency to buy AXS;
- Press Buy AXS.