Crypto Market Capitalization: Measuring Digital Wealth

Market Capitalization (Market Cap,MCAP) is the total capitalization of a cryptocurrency price and one of the ways to determine the relative size of a cryptocurrency.

What is Market Capitalization?

Market Capitalization, also called MCAP, shows the total value of a cryptocurrency when all coins are added together. It is often used as a gauge of the popularity and desirability of certain cryptocurrencies.

Market capitalization is calculated by multiplying the price of one coin by the number of coins in circulation. This means that market capitalization, just like the price of a cryptocurrency, can be very volatile and fluctuate hourly.

The safer cryptocurrency investments are considered large cryptocurrencies with a market value of more than $10 billion. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t subject to fluctuations. According to some, large cryptocurrencies may even have “safe haven” status, but critics disagree.

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