Skynet: Decentralized Storage and Content Delivery

Skynet is a platform based on the Sia blockchain for decentralized content storage.

What is Skynet?

Skynet is a protocol built on the Sia blockchain to provide decentralized data storage, facilitate content delivery and file sharing over the internet. In many aspects, it can be seen as an alternative infrastructure for the Internet.

To understand the concept of Skynet, it is important to know what Sia is and what it does. Sia is a blockchain platform designed to allow users to lend part of their hard drive for temporary use.

Users can rent part of their hard drive to store encrypted data, meaning they have full control over their data. The tenant pays for this space with Siacoins (SC), which are token owned by Sia.

Sia is owned by its parent company Nebulous. Siacoin runs on the PoW algorithm, which means it is a mineable coin. It is also an open-source project. However, the parent company charges a small fee to lenders and borrowers when they contract for storage.

Skynet is based on the idea that instead of third-party corporations, users should have control over their data.
Like the Internet, Skynet’s most useful applications are online. Using a browser, users can browse and use Skynet Web applications. Skynet applications can be social networking sites, desktop applications, storage applications, mobile applications and almost anything else that can be created on the traditional Internet.

What makes Skynet special?

At its core, Skynet frees users from centralized servers. On the traditional internet, site owners have to host their sites on servers controlled by the owners. A decentralized system allows users to take complete control of their own data. A decentralized network benefits both developers and users by allowing them to be part of the Web3.

Developers do not have to pay to host their applications, they can maintain a fail-safe site and prevent corporations from accessing their resources. Users will have full control over their data and the ability to use the Internet without advertising

Skynet is still in its infancy, and the project’s success will depend on how audiences respond to it over time.

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