How to Mine Dogecoin: The Comprehensive Guide

Dogecoin is the most famous meme cryptocurrency. Despite its comic origin, the coin has remained in the top 10 by capitalization for several years now, and interest in it has not weakened. The project is developing largely thanks to the support of the community, including Tesla founder Elon Musk.

Dogecoin is popular not only among ordinary users – miners also choose DOGE, since the coin uses the PoW consensus algorithm and is profitable to mine.

In a new article, I will tell you what equipment can be used to mine DOGE, how to start making money by mining coins, and what prospects Dogecoin has.

What is Dogecoin mining?

Mining in Dogecoin is necessary for creating new blocks, confirming blocks with transactions, recording them in the blockchain and maintaining the functionality of the entire system. For this purpose, computing power is used, which is provided by miners (users who engage in mining). For supporting the operation of the blockchain, miners receive a reward in the form of DOGE coins.

Read also: Crypto to mine.

How does Dogecoin mining work?

Like any cryptocurrency, DOGE has some features that affect the mining process. Among the main ones:

  • Scrypt hash function. Its peculiarity lies in the importance of the amount of RAM along with the power of computer processors;
  • Parallel mining. Scrypt makes it possible to mine simultaneously not only DOGE, but also any coin that supports this algorithm;
  • Number of coins. The blockchain does not have a limit on the number of DOGE coins mined;
  • Halving. Dogecoin does not use halving, so the miners’ reward does not change.

How difficult is it to mine Dogecoin?

Difficulty is the parameter used to describe the complexity of mining. Difficulty is a number that shows how many times a miner needs to solve a cryptographic puzzle in order to receive a reward. Mining difficulty increases as the network hashrate increases and decreases as the hashrate drops. Such changes are necessary to ensure stability of the time of creation of a new block – in Dogecoin it is formed every minute. A new block mined brings the miner a reward of 10,000 Doge.

Types of Dogecoin mining

You can mine DOGE in three ways: in the cloud, solo and in mining pools. Let’s look at each option in more detail.

Dogecoin solo mining

The current level of DOGE hashrate makes solo mining the most unprofitable possible way to mine this coin. Even a large amount of equipment will not allow solo miners to compete in efficiency with pools.

Dogecoin pool mining

Mining DOGE in pools is the most common and most efficient way to mine the coin. This type of mining will also require your own equipment, but thanks to the high hashrates of the pools the costs pay off relatively quickly.

In addition, pools allow the use of parallel mining (merged mining). This makes it possible to mine another coin besides DOGE that can work with the Scrypt algorithm (for example, LTC). Almost all the largest pools support DOGE merge mining.

Read also: Best mining pools.

The largest Dogecoin pools

Pool Address Fees Year of foundation
Binance Pool 3% (including LTC) 2020
ViaBTC 1-4% depending on the remuneration calculation method (including LTC) 2016
F2Pool 4% (including LTC) 2013
Litecoinpool 0% (including LTC) 2011
Antpool 3% (including LTC) 2014

Dogecoin cloud mining

DOGE can be mined using cloud mining. Mining in the cloud does not require your own equipment, but you do need initial capital to purchase slots for coin mining. The profitability of this type of mining greatly depends on the amount of initial investment.

Cloud mining companies rarely offer “pure” DOGE mining. Usually, the coin is included in complex offers as one of the altcoins. Such compound slots with DOGE are offered, for example, by

Many altcoin cloud mining slots offer payouts in BTC rather than mined coins. Carefully study the terms of contracts before purchasing mining slots.

Things you need to mine Dogecoin (DOGE)

To start mining Dogecoin, you will need equipment, mining software (in ASICs it can come bundled with the miner) and a wallet for DOGE. After this, you need to select a pool, configure the miner, optimize it (if necessary) and start mining.

Dogecoin mining hardware

The table below shows the most efficient ASIC miners for DOGE mining today:

Miner Hashrate Power consumption Noise level Approximate price
Goldshell Mini-DOGE II 0.185 Gh/s 233 W 35 dB $ 460-520
Hammer D10+ 5 Gh/s 3400 W 88 dB $ 3400-3850
Bitmain Antminer L7 8800 8.8 Gh/s 3300 W 75 dB $ 4100-4700
Bitmain Antminer L7 9050 9.1 Gh/s 3425 W 82 dB $ 6400-7100

Mining DOGE using video card processors (GPUs) is considered to be not the most effective solution. If you want to try mining coins using video cards, then you can pay attention to equipment from AMD and NVIDIA. The table below shows video cards suitable for DOGE mining:

Video card Price range
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 $1700 – $1900
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 $800 – $1200
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti $540 – $620
AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT $500 – $550
AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT $250 – $300

Dogecoin mining software

To mine DOGE, you may need special software – miners. Choosing a convenient miner is especially important when mining Dogecoin on GPU. ASIC miners often have their own software for mining coins, and for them the selection of software miners is not relevant. The table below shows a list of commonly used DOGE mining software:

Miner Official website Fees
EasyMiner Free;
GMiner Free;
CudaMiner 1.5% – 6.5% depending on production volume.
Most software miners are paid. Developers charge users fees, which are calculated as a percentage of the user’s earnings in the pool. The average commission for mining DOGE is 3%.

Dogecoin wallet

A DOGE miner will definitely need a wallet that supports Dogecoin. Most modern cryptocurrency wallets support this blockchain (a list of verified services can be found on the official website of the project).

Read also: Top crypto wallets.

I recommend using Exodus – this is a multi-currency crypto wallet with a user-friendly interface, support for versions for PCs, smartphones and browsers (Chrome and Brave), compatible with Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS.

Exodus main page
Exodus Homepage

How to mine Dogecoin? Step-by-step instructions

Let’s take a step-by-step look at how to start mining DOGE. To do this, you will need to buy equipment, install and configure a wallet and mining software, connect to the pool, and start mining.

Step 1: Buy Dogecoin Mining Hardware

In this article, I listed equipment that allows you to mine DOGE most efficiently. Today’s Dogecoin network hashrate makes ASIC miners the smartest choice for mining the coin. Below are the main parameters that will allow you to choose the optimal equipment:

  1. Mining algorithm. To mine DOGE, the ASIC must work with the Scrypt algorithm;
  2. Hashrate. The higher this indicator, the better. Choose ASIC with the maximum hashrate;
  3. Power consumption. The less electricity the equipment consumes, the lower your utility bills;
  4. Noise level. This parameter is specified in the equipment specification and is measured in decibels (dB). The lower it is, the quieter the ASIC operates;
  5. New or used. Buy new devices. “Fresh” ASICs have a warranty period, and you can make a claim to the manufacturer in case of malfunctions. No one guarantees the normal operation of used equipment.

Step 2: Set up a wallet to receive Dogecoin

To show the process of creating a DOGE wallet, I used the Exodus app as an example:

  1. Download and install wallet;
  2. Create a username, password, seed phrase and save it in a safe place;
  3. Go to the section with the coin, click Receive and copy the address to receive DOGE (it will be required at the stage of setting up the software).
    DOGE section and Receive button in the Exodus wallet
    DOGE section and Receive button in the Exodus wallet

Step 3: Install Dogecoin mining software

If you use video cards for DOGE mining, you will need to download and install software miner. If you work with ASICs, then the necessary software is included with the device. The general setup looks like this:

  1. Download and install mining software or connect the miner to your computer;
  2. Enter or create a login and password to access the miner interface;
  3. Set up the miner.
Detailed instructions for setting up miners are available on the official websites of the software or device.

Step 4: Connect your equipment to the pool

To connect equipment to the pool:

  1. Go to the website of the selected pool;
  2. Copy URL addresses and port numbers to connect to the pool and enter them in the miner interface (or configuration file);
    Example of addresses and ports in the Binance Pool interface
    Example of addresses and ports in the Binance Pool interface
  3. Create a worker (required in some pools, such as Binance Pool).
Detailed instructions for connecting miners to pools are available on the pools' websites.

Step 5: Start the mining process

After the connection setup is completed, you need to go to the miner interface and start mining.

Do not forget that to mine coins, you need to maintain a constant connection of the miner to the Internet and to the blockchain. The connection to the blockchain is controlled in the miner and pool interface. A description of the indicators that display the connection status can be found in the pool instructions and the official miner documentation.

Pros and cons of Dogecoin mining

One of the top cryptocurrencies by capitalization;
The time to create a new block is 1 minute;
You can mine coin in pools and using cloud;
Active DOGE community, which includes Elon Musk;
Parallel mining with altcoins on Scrypt is available.
Limited use of DOGE in the cryptosphere;
Meme coin - the value of the coin is subject to extreme volatility;
High commissions when mining in top pools;
In large pools, DOGE is often mined in conjunction with LTC, than on your own;
High costs for mining equipment.


DOGE is a meme coin that is in the top 10 cryptocurrencies by capitalization. To operate the Dogecoin network, it uses the PoW consensus algorithm. Although the scope of application of DOGE is still limited, the coin is known for its large, close-knit community and is one of the favorite cryptocurrencies of the head of Tesla Elon Musk.

DOGE is a popular cryptocurrency among miners. Today, the hashrate of the Dogecoin network is very high, so the most relevant way to mine coins is to use ASIC miners. It should be noted that there are no lots of large pools that allow you to mine DOGE specifically, but the coin is often mined by parallel mining with LTC.


Is Dogecoin mining still profitable?
Yes, if mining occurs on ASIC miners. The best devices for mining DOGE include ASICs Antminer L7 series and higher, Hammer D10+ and Mini-DOGE II.
How much can you earn by mining DOGE?
The profitability indicator strongly depends on the miner's equipment and its quantity. For example, for a solo miner with a total setup hashrate of 9.1 Gh/s (one Bitmain Antminer L7 9050), the profit will be $3.93 per day (taking into account the unchanged complexity of the Dogecoin network).
What is the best miner for Dogecoin?
Today, the best miner with DOGE support is the Bitmain Antminer L7 9050. Alternative devices you can consider are Goldshell Mini-DOGE II, Hammer D10+ and Bitmain Antminer L7 8800.
How many DOGE coins can you get in a day?
The number of mined coins per day will depend on a large number of parameters: equipment, its quantity, methods of paying rewards to miners in pools, fees, electricity bills, etc. You can roughly calculate the number of coins mined using a mining calculator like Coinwarz. For example, with a total setup hashrate of 9.1 Gh/s (one Bitmain Antminer L7 9050), a solo miner can mine approximately 180 DOGE per day.
Agatha Redich
Agatha Redich
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Articles author and website editor. Works with texts for over 12 years. Among Agatha’s clients: Rossman, Zara, Bosch, ING Bank, Lexus and others. Crypto journalist since 2018. She wrote more than a hundred articles about cryptocurrencies and the crypto market. Agatha's professional credo is to reveal complex topics in an accessible and simple way.
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Emil Rabin
Emil Rabin
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Cryptocurrency expert and financial analyst. Emil has working experience in Bain and KPMG, collaborated with PayPal and Revolut, organized more than 30 educational events about blockchain and cryptocurrencies in Eastern Europe. An expert of the portal since 2022.
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