TGDRatings is a website about cryptocurrencies with unique content in different languages. English, Spanish, Polish and Russian versions are currently available and we’re working on adding more languages.
TGDRatings team consists of financial and cryptocurrency experts who take part in the final approval of each article. Our authors do the research and study the topic in detail before writing. Then editors check the finished texts for uniqueness and compliance with the facts. Articles are translated by professionals who specialize in translating finance and cryptocurrencies texts.
We review crypto platforms and make ratings of the most reliable ones, write about promising cryptocurrencies and draw up instructions on how to buy them, helping our readers to make their choice.
Our website is read by users with different levels of experience in cryptocurrencies. Beginners learn about crypto market opportunities and basic concepts, as well as access to the step-by-step guides on how to work with different services. Experienced traders and investors read us to expand their knowledge and to maximize their profit.
Join TGDRatings, so you don’t miss a single opportunity!
Project team

Agatha Redich
Articles author, editor
Articles author and website editor. Works with texts for over 12 years. Among Agatha’s clients: Rossman, Zara, Bosch, ING Bank, Lexus and others. Crypto journalist since 2018. She wrote more than a hundred articles about cryptocurrencies and the crypto market. Agatha's professional credo is to reveal complex topics in an accessible and simple way.
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Emil Rabin
Site expert
Cryptocurrency expert and financial analyst. Emil has working experience in Bain and KPMG, collaborated with PayPal and Revolut, organized more than 30 educational events about blockchain and cryptocurrencies in Eastern Europe. An expert of the portal since 2022.
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